Chef / Szakács /

Jelentkezés bérigénnyel

Feladás dátuma:

több, mint egy hónapja
Bács-Kiskun, Fejér, Pest


Elvárt végzettség:
szakiskola/szakmunkás képző

Szükséges nyelvtudás:

Jelentkezéshez szükséges dokumentumok:
fényképes önéletrajz

Munkakör megnevezése:

>5 év tapasztalat
Foglalkoztatás jellege:
Teljes munkaidő


As a Chinese food chef, you will be responsible for preparing and cooking a variety of Chinese dishes, ensuring that the quality and taste of the food meet the restaurant standards. You need to have solid Chinese cooking skills, be able to do the work independently and work effectively with the kitchen team.

Major Responsibilities:

Prepare and cook a variety of Chinese dishes, including but not limited to stir-fry, steamed vegetables, soups, etc.
Make sure all food meets hygiene standards and keep the kitchen clean and orderly.
Adjust the dishes according to the Chef leaders requirements and provide personalized service.
Participate in menu planning and development of new dishes.


At least 5 years working experience in Chinese cooking.
Familiar with various Chinese cooking techniques and the use of condiments.
Good teamwork spirit and communication skills.
Be able to work in high pressure environment and have good time management ability.
Relevant chef certificate or training experience is preferred.

Hirdetés azonosító: 149856061

Kapcsolatfelvétel a Hirdetővel


Utoljára aktív: 79 napja


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